Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Click here and PLEASE VOTE!!!

Harper unveils cabinet, announces that 3 failed candidates are going to be senators. Yay. (Click here and see!)

Blogger's gone kaboozled...

Hey everyone, Blogger went down last week, so you may see doubles of certain posts. I'm trying to stay on top of it, but it's a lot of stuff to go through. =S

Thanks again for keeping up with the blog!


Pippa not to blow a pipe, to be Quebecer...

Photo credit: "Ottawa Metro" May 10th 2011

New big cake for the Guinness World Book of Records

Photo credit: "Ottawa Metro" May 11th 2011

Please, no more earthquakes...

Photo credit: "Ottawa Metro" May 11th 2011

Al Jazeera journalist released!!! (Click here and see!)

Toronto searching for 5-yr-old seen crying, alone. (Click here and see!)

Say "NO!" to Racism!/Dites "NON!" au racisme (Click here/Cliquer ici)

Une mère injecte sa fille avec du botox (Cliquer ici pour voir!)/A mother injects her daughter with botox!!!!

This is pageantry gone way, WAY too far, and it is sickening to think that if the mother is telling the truth, this little 8-yr-old is not the only one getting botox to reduce the appearance of fine lines!!!